How to Talk to Nursing Professors (even when they don't want to talk to you) |

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Did you know Nursing is considered one of the most difficult undergraduate degrees (up there with Engineering and Physics)?
Add to this the stress of communicating with faculty and professors, it can seem unbearable. In today’s episode, I share with you a few tips on opening the line of communication with nursing school professors.
Meet Your Hardest Professor Face to Face on their TURF
Every nursing program has one . . . the professor who seems to think their entire goal in life is to fail every student.
They are tired of students, they want to prove how smart they are, they think you have no idea what it means to think analytically.
Use this to your advantage . . . Most students will hate this professor so much that they will avoid them like the plague.
That’s great!
That means that their office hours will be wide open for you to meet with them.
These teachers are usually the toughest graders and teach the most important courses (Adult Med Surg, Pharm). So you really need to ACE their course.
Once you get an exam back from this teacher and realize that the correct answer isn’t the MOST correct answer on nearly every option ; ) . . . every other student will throw their hand in the air trying to argue for 1 extra point.
This might get you an extra point on this exam but it doesn’t make a difference in the grand scheme.
Just sit back and let every other student grade grub
. . . once class is over walk right up to the teacher and make an appointment to meet in her office to talk about your performance in the course.
When you meet with them bring your exam with you . . .
Here’s what you say:
“I feel like I studied really hard for this test, I read all the assigned reading (because you did), I took the practice tests, I felt like I understood the material in class . . . but my grade on this test has me a bit discouraged . . . I’ve always been a good student . . . what can I do to better prepare for your exams.”
That’s it . . .
You proved to her that you have some balls and courage to approach her personally, you showed that you get the material or at least attempted to understand it, then you put the ball in their court by saying . . . what should I be doing . . . FROM HER PERSPECTIVE to better prepare.
This method works wonders . . .
- It shows them that you give a crap!
- You aren’t arguing with them like every other nursing student in the history of the world!
- It allows to step inside their mind and understand how they write their tests!
- The professor WILL give you tips for passing their tests!
Remember . . . you will need references from your teachers . . . being friends with the tough ones is a HUGE advantage.
Relationships . . .
Nursing is all about relationships and mutual respect.
I followed this method with my toughest professors and to this day . . . years after graduation . . . I am still in contact with those same professors that many other students couldn’t stand.
You CAN do this! Nursing is HARD . . . nursing school is IMPOSSIBLE if you don’t learn how to develop a system that works!
You can do amazingly well . . . and amaze yourself with what you are capable of . . . trust me . . . I did!
Do NOT fear! This really works: