Ultimate Collection of Nurses Prayers (Including Original Nurses Prayer) | NURSING.com

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From uplifting our spirits, aiding decision making, and healing the sick, prayers help in many ways. The National Library of Medicine reports that while people have always used prayers as an intervention in healing sicknesses and promoting good health, thereâs increasing attention on prayer among health practitioners.
Some patients and nurses believe in the healing power of prayer. Not only do the nurses welcome requests of praying for their patients, but they recite prayers in their everyday lives, even making it a center of their lifestyles.
From praying for protection to asking for strength and wisdom, prayers are an essential spiritual need for many nurses.
Nursing is a pretty challenging profession, sometimes requiring lots of sacrifice in terms of devotion and time. Besides, caring for the afflicted day in and day out can be emotionally and mentally draining.
For this reason, having a higher power whom you can talk to, especially when you feel helpless, provides immense emotional, mental, and spiritual benefits.
In this article, we have presented a collection of twenty nurse prayers, including the original nurse prayer and the Florence Nightingale prayer.
Bookmark this site and come back often for these inspiring and powerful recitals. Alternatively, you can print the prayers and hang them on your workstation or closet for offline use.
The Original Nurses Prayer
As I care for my patients today
Be there with me, Oh Lord, I pray.
Make my words kind â it means so much.
And in my hands, place your healing touch.
Let your love shine through all that I do,
So those in need may hear and feel You.
Florence Nightingale Nurses Prayer
âToday, our world needs healing and to be rekindled with love.
Once, Florence Nightingale lit her beacon of lamplight to comfort the wounded.
Her light has blazed a path of service across a Century to usâ
through her example and the countless nurses and healers
Who have followed in her footsteps.
âToday, we celebrate the flame of Florence Nightingaleâs legacy.
Let that same light be rekindled to burn brightly in our hearts.
Let us take up our ownâ lanterns of caring,â each in our waysâ
to more brightly walk our paths of service to the worldâ
To more clearly share our own ânoble purposeâ with each other.
âMay human caring become the lantern for the 21st century.
May we better learn to care for ourselves, for each other, and for all Creation.
âThrough our caring, may we be the keepers of that flame.
That our spirits may burn brightly to kindle the hearts
âof our children and great-grandchildrenâ
as they, too, follow in these footsteps.â Deva-Marie Beck, Ph.D., RN © 1996
Nursing Student Prayer
Lord, as I go through my studies, help me to understand everything I need to know to become competent in my field. Please give me the grace to manage the challenges that may come my way.
When the workload becomes overwhelming, I trust you to strengthen me and give me the grace to manage. Grant me favor with my instructors, fellow students, and everyone I interact with in the course of learning.
Lord, you are my strength and my hope.
I pray that you use me to encourage and care for the patients put under my care. Fill me with kindness and help me to serve them with diligence.
With you by my side, I know I will complete the training successfully. Fulfill your good purpose in me and use my skills for the benefit of humanity. In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen.
Nurses Prayer Catholic
Dear Lord, give me strength today. As I approach each patient, please fill me with wisdom and help me utter comfort words.
Encourage me when I falter and renew my strength when I tire. When the demands of my job increase and the days become longer, please give me the grace to serve better.
Give me patience even as I comfort the sick. May those placed in my care be blessed through my service.
Help my patients and me to pull through every difficult situation that may present itself. May your providence be our hope and joy.
At the end of each day, let me rest in the assurance that I have done the right thing. In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen.
Nurses Serenity Prayer
Fill me with your wisdom to handle every situation that comes my way with grace and patience. Help me to always minister comfort to the patients with every word I speak.
When things become difficult, give me strength to pull through, for you, Lord, are my refuge and fortress. In your faithfulness, deliver me from every trouble and grant me the courage always to do what is right. In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen.
Nurses Prayer Before Work
Dear Lord, as I begin my day, I commit my work to you. Guide me this day in everything I do.
In your faithfulness, Lord, fulfill your good purpose in me. Teach me your purpose and help me to honor you throughout the day.
I commit my duties to you, enable me to serve the patients entrusted under my care with compassion. May your grace be sufficient throughout the day, strengthening me as I execute my duties.
May your power fill this place and minister healing to every patient. Give me wisdom and insight and enable me to deliver quality care to everyone I attend today.
May those who look up to me be comforted by my service as you satisfy their desire for better health. I put my confidence in you, knowing your power is at work in this place.
Thank you, Lord, for your guidance and your promise of healing. In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen.
Nurses Prayer Before the Examination
Father, I thank you for taking me this far. You have been gracious to me, guiding me in my studies.
As I sit for my exams, may your favor rest upon me. Inspire me, Lord, and sharpen my memory.
Enable me to recall what I have studied and answer each question correctly. Empower me to overcome any anxiety that may set in and calm me throughout the session.
May your peace surround me and help me concentrate as I do my papers. I trust in you, Lord, and have faith that you will bless the work of my hands.
In you, Lord, I commit my fate. Whatever the outcome, I will glorify you and rejoice in your faithfulness. In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen.
Nurses Prayer for Healing From Burnout
Father, thank you for crowning my life with your blessings. You have been gracious, strengthening me every day.
I commit my physical, emotional, and mental health to you. I pray that, Lord, you minister comfort and grant me good health.
I surrender every depressing situation to you. Arise, O Lord, and help me.
Give me the power to cope and overcome whatever situation thatâs beyond me. Resolve the mess in my life and help me regain a healthy balance.
My patients need me to be healthy to take care good care of them. Heal me from mental and physical exhaustion and renew my sense of purpose. In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen.
Nurses Prayer for Strength
Dear Lord, the pain and suffering around me is sometimes too much that I get weary. My strength fails me, but I thank you because I know you have never failed me.
May I draw strength from you, Lord, as your word encourages me. Let your grace abound in every situation that comes my way and empower me to continue doing good.
As my patients look up to me, I pray that I rise above my struggles and give them hope. Even amid losses and uncertainties, I will trust you for strength and willpower to cope.
May your steadfast love uphold me now and always. In Jesusâ name, I pray.
Nurses Prayer for Compassion
God, you are a compassionate father. As I care for my patients today, please help me to emulate you. May I show compassion to every patient under my care and extend your rich love to each one of them.
I pray for wisdom and understanding so that I may offer them quality service. May I be a source of comfort and strength to them even as they battle ill-health.
May your healing power flow through my hands as I compassionately care for the sick. In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen
Nurses Prayer for Comfort
Father, even when the turmoil around me gets overwhelming, in you, I draw my comfort. Despite the suffering and losses, I depend on you for strength to cope.
Be gracious to me, Lord, and shower me with your steadfast love whenever despair threatens to overshadow me. Comfort me, Lord, so that I may find the strength to comfort my patients. In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen.
Nurses Prayer for Divine Protection
Lord, I thank you because of your promise of protection. I pray as I go about my duties, send your angels to guard me.
Deliver me from every trouble that may come my way, for you, Lord, are my salvation. I will not fear when faced with risky situations. Instead, I will put my confidence in you and depend on you to rescue me.
I decree my going out and my coming in shall be blessed. May I thrive in all that I do today.
I will serve my patients with confidence because youâre my ever-present help and shield. In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen.
Nurses Prayer for Wisdom
Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom as I embark on my duties today. I thank you for you have promised to give it freely to those who ask for it.
I will rely on your wisdom to protect me from any unpleasant situations that may come my way. And I thank you because you have promised to answer whenever I call.
I pray that you empower me to make sound decisions in every situation that requires me to do so. As I attend to my patients today, give me divine insight to help them the best way I can.
In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen.
Nurses Prayer for Guidance
Lord, I ask that you direct me throughout this day. Inspire me as I help the sick and provide direction and hope to them.
Whenever they are faced with tough decisions to make, help me to offer them dependable counsel. May my actions brighten their lives and bring healing to their hurting bodies.
Guide my feet, my hands, and my mind, and grant me success this day. I have complete confidence that with your guidance, I will have success today. In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen.
Nurses Prayer for Patience
Father, I pray that you provide me with the patience that I need today. In whatever situations that may come my way, help me to stay calm and trust in you.
Fill me with your grace to exercise restraint when my patience is tested. In afflictions, grant me steadfastness and faith to trust in your salvation.
As I serve my patients and interact with my colleagues today, help me to exercise patience and be kind in every encounter. In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen.
Nurses Prayer in Difficult Times
Dear Lord, give me grace and wisdom to overcome the challenges before me. Comfort me, Lord, and encourage me to remain steadfast no matter the situation.
As I care for my patients, let your love shine through me and help me to remain objective. Even when people around me cause trouble, please give me the wisdom to focus on doing the right thing, trusting you to fight for me.
Nurses Prayer for Endurance
Dear Lord, as I care for the sick and weak, give me strength and courage to endure the heavy demands of the job. When the shifts get longer, and responsibilities mount, may I find the strength to cope.
When my strength fails me, uphold me, Lord, and strengthen me. May your grace be sufficient to keep me strong. In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen.
Nurses Prayer for Peace
Lord, I pray for your peace that transcends all understanding to guard my heart and mind. Even when situations spiral out of control, may your peace flow like a river in my life to keep me focused on providing the best care to my patients.
Surround me with your presence and breathe calm into every area of my life. In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen.
Nurses Prayer for Patients
Dear Lord, I commit my patients to you. See their physical anguish and relieve them from their suffering.
Whatever their health situation, help them to accept it. We can only do so much since youâre the ultimate healer.
As I take care of them, use my hands to minister healing. With every treatment I administer, I pray that their body will respond well.
Remember them, dear Lord, and give us a reason to celebrate. In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen.
Nurses Prayer for Colleagues
Father, I commit my colleagues into your hands. As we work to serve the sick and weak, bless us with a spirit of unity.
May we be unified by the purpose of our service. Convict those of us who may be untruthful to the calling, and protect the patients from any of their unmindful actions.
Help us to fulfill our duties each day and grow together as a family. May you command your blessings amongst us so we may thrive in all that we do.
In Jesusâ name, I pray. Amen.
There you have it! We hope these prayers will uplift you as you allow divine guidance in your life.
May you be refreshed every day you recite them and find more purpose in your calling. But even when things donât pan out as anticipated, you can find comfort in the fact that you have played your part.
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