Top 3 Best NCLEX Question Banks (Kaplan Qbank vs NCLEX Mastery vs |

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Having trouble finding a place to practice NCLEX® questions? Trust me, I get it, this is one of the most common questions we get from nursing students.
But there is one SIMPLE tip to improve how well you do on NCLEX® questions . . .
Seriously, you are probably hating me right now because that seems oversimplified, but I promise . . .taking more and more practice questions is the best thing you can do to feel more comfortable.
Where To Find Practice NCLEX® Questions
The obvious next question is where to find NCLEX questions to practice . . . ? I’m going to share a list of the top three places to practice:
- NursingPracticeQuestions (NPQ)
- Kaplan Qbank
- NCLEX RN Mastery
NPQ: Nursing Practice Questions by
NPQ by NRSNG is our bank of NCLEX® questions with advanced functionality and statistics. Some of the unique features about NPQ include; global ranking, 21 testing categories, ability to vote questions up and down, more questions that any other practice testing platform and GROWING.
NPQ is included in your membership to which also includes all courses, resources, cheatsheets, and so much more.
How Many Questions:
6,000+ written by NCSBN trained question writer. NPQ is the largest bank of NCLEX® questions available. Our question writers are nurses and physicians with experience in NCLEX® tutoring and teaching.
NPQ provides you with stats on how you are doing down to the category level (with over 21 categories you can dial down your studies to struggle areas)
GlobalRank is a unique algorithm developed by that provides you with a rank based on several data points so that you know how you compare against other nursing students preparing for the NCLEX®.
Find out what your best and worst areas are . . . not only does NPQ rank each user, but it also ranks each question. Want to study lab values but not sure if you know enough yet? Take some of the “easy” lab value questions.
Get Started:
Want to take NPQ for a test drive? No problem, get started with a trial to see if it works for you! No credit card needed . . . of course.
Take a free quiz now . . .
Free Angina Quiz
Kaplan Qbank
At $99 for one month of access, Qbank is the most expensive option. There are options to buy additional months for more moola.
How Many Questions:
Qbank also has the fewest number of practice questions with just over 2,100.
The Qbank provides information like how many correct and wrong.
See How Compares to KaplanNCLEX Mastery
$30 with additional upsales ($19.99 for 75 question practice test)
How Many Questions:
NCLEX Mastery webapp has a total of just over 1,800 questions divided into 7 categories. While this might be a good option for someone who is done with school, the limited number of categories might not serve a student who hasn’t completed their nursing school curriculum.
The user is provided with stats on total right and wrong as well as by category.
See How Compares to NCLEX MasteryPractice Makes Perfect
Okay . . . you might not ever become “perfect” at NCLEX® Questions . . .but the goal here is to become more comfortable to the point that you know what to expect when you walk into the testing center.
Our goal at is to give you the confidence and the tools you need to succeed in nursing school, on the NCLEX, and in life.
NPQ is our solution to the old and stale prep programs out there . . . go ahead take a test drive of NPQ right here.