NCLEX 3500 Free Practice Questions |

What are you struggling with in nursing school? is the BEST place to learn nursing. With over 2,000+ clear, concise, and visual lessons, there is something for you!
You can never take enough practice NCLEX questions.
The problem most students find is that you quickly run out of good questions. . . . after taking all the review questions in the book it can be hard to find additional items.
NCLEX 3500 (we call it NPQ – Nursing Practice Questions) is a database of over six thousand questions you can view here.
Start Practicing From NCLEX 3500:
What is NPQ – Nursing Practice Questions?
Great question. . . . really it’s the world’s largest database of NCLEX questions . . .
You get a 3 day trial with NPQ
Here are some of the features that make this collection of 3,500 questions unique.
- All questions are written by NCSBN-trained NCLEX question writers
- Alternate formate questions
- SATA questions
- The largest database of NCLEX style practice questions online
- Global ranking – see how you compare to other nursing students
- Ability to focus on struggle areas
- Vote questions up or down (if you like or hate them)
- See how you stack up for each question
- Provide feedback if you don’t like a question
Why Passing the NCLEX® in 75 Questions Doesn’t Matter ( YOU are NOT your NCLEX® score)
What Other Nursing Students are Saying
When we launched NPQ we knew it would be a great tool for nursing students.
What we didn’t expect was that we would have over 5,000 active users within the first week! Here is probably my favorite email from on of the users:
Or here is this one . . . NPQ is giving her the confidence to take and PASS the NCLEX!
Then we have also heard a lot of thanks for the program. . .
How to Dissect an NCLEX® Question
NPQ Video Tour
Here is a quick video showing you the insides of the program. . . how it works and how to get the most out of it.
How to Use NPQ – 3,500 Nursing Practice Questions
Listen . . . I can still remember the biggest fear I had going through nursing school . . . how do I compare, am I AS prepared as other students?
What we have done with this site is provide you with over NCLEX RN 3500 practice questions in a way that you will be able to study at any time, anywhere, and know how you stack up to students from all over the world.
How Many NCLEX Questions Should You Take Per Day
- First Semester: 20 questions focused on what you are currently studying in school
- Second Semester: 30 questions focused on what you are currently studying in school
- Third Semester: 25-50 questions on a broad range of topics not just current study topics
- Fourth Semester: 25-50 questions on every topic
- Post Graduation: 50-100 questions on every topic until test day
As you approach your actual test date I would up that to 50 and eventually do 150-200 questions per day. The reason for this is that you need to get a feel for how they are written, what to expect, and how to answer them. The best way to do this is to repeat, repeat, repeat . . .
Nursing Practice Questions provides NCLEX 3500 questions and is another tool created by to help you feel confident in passing the NCLEX.
Free review questions are a premium and that is the biggest advantage here . . . you get over 3,500 new questions that allow you to identify areas that you need to work on.
Can an LPN/LVN use to pass the NCLEX-PN?
All are welcome at!!
The base knowledge required to become an RN or a PN is similar. What is different is how that knowledge is applied in practice.
The NCLEX-PN focuses on gathering information while the NCLEX-RN focuses more on assessing patients and creating care plans.
Since the NRSNG Academy education style focuses on giving you a better understanding of that base knowledge it will help both the RN and the PN apply that knowledge in the method appropriate for their practice.
We asked our current LPN users to get their feedback. Here is what they said!
Will the NRSNG Academy help me get through LPN/LVN school?
I am an LVN/LPN should I use the entire
Which specific NRSNG Academy tools are most helpful to pass the NCLEX-PN?
Will the NRSNG Academy help me to pass the NCLEX-PN?
A Few More Examples
Stop Over Studying in Nursing School and for the NCLEX
One of the things that a lot of us nurses and nursing students like to do is we like to prepare. A lot of us for type A personalities. A lot of us are very organized. A lot of us like to be filled prepared, and if nothing else, feel, a bit over-prepared.
So it becomes very easy for us to look for more and more and more and more and more and more study tools and resources, to help us quote unquote, as we’re going through nursing school and preparing for the NCLEX.
But I want to caution you on that a bit. It is incredibly possible to get too many resources and then end up splitting your time too much, trying to study from all these resources and it can cost you thousands and thousands of dollars to buy all these things.
Well, what we attempted to create for you with is a one-stop shop for everything you need. It can replace your textbooks, it can replace your apps, it can replace your notes, and it can replace any other question, app, or tool that you have the temptation to buy.
With you have lessons and videos on nearly every topic that you’re going to study to get into nursing school and nursing school from biochemistry, chemistry, med surge, pharmacology, even nursing skills, and head-to-toe assessments.
You also have over 6,000 questions written by NCSBN-trained question writers, which allow you to dial in exactly the types of questions you want to study. If you want to do all select all that apply. If you want to do more difficult or less difficult questions, if you want to do questions in one of 21 different categories, if you want to take just the ones you missed, just the ones you got right, or ones you haven’t taken yet, it’s possible to do all that inside our question bank on
And we call that question bank NPQ or nursing practice questions we’ve even built in a true computer adaptive NCLEX simulator. We don’t just give you a hundred questions and say, here’s your chances of passing. We actually give you a computer adaptive test that adapts to you as you take the exam. And that has a patent algorithm tied to it that closely mirrors, the experience that you’re going to have when you go in and take the NCLEX.
We’ve got an army of nurses behind you, tens of thousands of nursing students using every single day, who can tell you that you can do this and you will pass.
We can help.
We want to remove as much of that stress and that overwhelm as possible and get you to RN. We love you guys now go out and be your best self today. Happy nursing.