CM2 |

What are you struggling with in nursing school? is the BEST place to learn nursing. With over 2,000+ clear, concise, and visual lessons, there is something for you!
On July 1, 2018, we are launching the NRSNG Academy 2.0. Now, I call it 2.0 because it’s really the second time we’re launching it, but really, this is like version 4 billion point O because the update and the upgrade and the changes happening are so substantial that we had to hire a team of programmers, of content creators and project managers to build this entire new NRSNG Academy completely new from the ground up.
This is such a complete overhaul that when you log in to the academy on July 1st, it doesn’t look the same at all, but don’t be worried by that because what we’ve built into this is something that we call CM2, Core Content Mastery Method.
The Core Content Mastery Method, or CM2, and we’ve trademarked that. The Core Content Mastery Method is this incredible algorithm and process and procedure for developing content and delivering it to you in such a way that you master the most important concepts of nursing school and nursing education rapidly.
At its core, let me tell you this. Within 28 seconds from logging in to the NRSNG Academy, we can completely transform your nursing education experience, 28 seconds. That’s how long it takes. Now, yes, I’ve actually timed myself doing this. In 28 seconds, you can transform your nursing school experience.
The CM2 or the Core Content Mastery Method is the way we teach you the content. It’s the way you interact with the new NRSNG Academy. It’s the way we deliver the content, and it’s all the different materials that you have access to inside the new NRSNG Academy.
We’ve actually developed a 21-page process for creating the content for you. We’ve also developed unique proprietary algorithms for delivering that content to you. Again, this is called the Core Content Mastery Method.
You guys, 28 seconds is all it takes from the moment you log in the very first time to the NRSNG Academy to completely change everything, to have a completely personalized individualized dashboard and study plan created just for you, 28 seconds.
The stress of nursing school is gone. You will never have to think again about what you should study. You’ll never have to stress again about looking up different resources and going to different websites and pulling together all this information to study. It is all there in the NRSNG Academy 2.0.
I’m going to be creating more content and more videos and more emails and et cetera and podcasts about CM2 or Core Content Mastery Method because this is the most powerful thing that has happened to nursing education ever. And I know it might sound like I’m overstating, but you guys, I’m not.
And what you’re going to see when you get in there is it’s going to look tremendously simple. The new academy looks more simple than the old academy, but inside of it, we’re delivering you thousands and thousands and thousands of HD on-demand video of cheat sheets of care plans, of flash cards and mnemonics, of case studies, image database.
There is so much here that you’re not going to believe it, and the way we package it, the way we deliver it to you is tremendously unique, and it is going to help you master content so quickly. This is the Core Content Mastery Method, and it’s what we’ve built into the new NRSNG Academy.
You, guys, I’m so excited about this, and I know I’m sounding super intense, and I am. I’m super excited about this. It’s so incredible. So much is going to change, and we’re launching that on July 1st. Now, it’s May 28th right now. If you’re listening to this later, I’m sorry, but it’s May 28th right now.
Let me tell you and give you a quick warning. We are closing down registration to new members into the NRSNG Academy for the entire month of June. The reason we’re doing that is because we’re moving all existing members into the new NRSNG Academy.
When we launch again on July 1st, the $1 trial is gone. We will not be offering the $1 trial, and you’ll be second seat in getting into the new NRSNG Academy. If you sign up now before June 1st, just a couple of days. If you sign up before June 1st, you get access to the old NRSNG Academy for just $1, and you get front row seats, first-class service in getting in to the new NRSNG Academy. You get to play around with it before anybody else comes in there.
So if you go to, this is going to be one of your last chances to ever use the $1 trial with the NRSNG Academy, and it gets you first row seats, premier service in getting into the new NRSNG Academy.
You guys, I’m so excited about this, and it’s like we’ve been working on this for so long, and this is like what I had envisioned in my mind when we first went about creating the NRSNG Academy.
Of course, we were not able to do it then as our NRSNG family has grown, as our reach has grown, we’ve been able to continue to improve and to iterate and to make it better and better and better and better.
And the day is almost here, and I’m so excited. So again, this is the Core Content Mastery Method. It’s what we’ve built in from the ground up with the new NRSNG Academy. This isn’t some pieced together WordPress site or some finagled and duct-taped little delivery method with some plug-ins we got. This is customized, a hundred percent from the ground up.
You guys, this is so exciting. So anyway, if you want to get in and use the new NRSNG Academy version, well, get into the old NRSNG Academy and get front row seats to the NRSNG Academy on July 1st. Go to
I’m so excited about this, guys. We will talk to you more about this soon, but thank you so much for spending a couple of minutes with me today. We love you guys. Now, go out and be your best self today. Happy nursing.