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How to Get into Nursing School: Your 10-Step Guide

So You Are Thinking About Becoming a Nurse?

In a world where healthcare heroes are in high demand, the need for more nurses has never been more critical. Every day, nurses make a difference in the lives of patients, providing comfort, care, and hope. If you've ever considered joining this noble profession, now is the time to embark on the journey that will not only transform your life but also touch the lives of countless others.

Before we dive into this blog post any further, I want to stress the importance of your test-taking skills.  Nursing school exams aren't like any other.  You probably are used to answering "the correct answer" on your exams, but in nursing school, they want to "select all that apply"

Getting into nursing school requires you to master your test-taking and critical-thinking skills.  But I do not want you to stress too much about it because I have created this completely free webinar for you "9 Test-Taking Tips for Nursing Students (you can start using today).  Just click below to register πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


How to Get into Nursing School: 10 Steps Towards Your Dream Career

Nursing is a noble profession that allows you to make a positive impact on the lives of others. But how do you turn that dream into a reality?  I am going to guide you through the exciting and challenging journey of getting into nursing school.  

Getting into nursing school requires careful planning and preparation.  I want you to remember that everyone's journey may look a bit different. 

  1. Research Nursing School Programs
  2. Fulfill Nursing School Prerequisites
  3. Maintain a Competitive GPA for Nursing School
  4. Gain Healthcare Experience for Nursing School
  5. Prepare for Nursing School Entrance Exams
  6. Write a Compelling Personal Statement for Nursing School Application
  7. Secure Strong Letters of Recommendation for Nursing School
  8. Submit a Complete Application to Nursing School
  9. Prepare for Interviews for Nursing School (if applicable)
  10. Stay Persistent and Flexible in Finding the Right Nursing School

Research Nursing School Programs

When embarking on the journey to become a nurse, one of the most crucial steps is researching nursing programs. The choices may seem overwhelming at first, but this is your opportunity to find a program that aligns with your goals, values, and aspirations.

Researching nursing programs allows you to gather vital information that will shape your future education and career. Here are a few key aspects to consider during your research:

  • Nursing School Accreditation: Ensure that the nursing programs you're interested in are accredited by recognized accrediting bodies. Accreditation ensures that the program meets specific standards of quality and will provide you with the education and training needed to excel in your nursing career.
  • Nursing School's Curriculum and Courses: Look into the curriculum and course offerings of each nursing program. Consider the balance between theory and practical experiences, as well as the range of clinical rotations available. Look for programs that provide a well-rounded education that prepares you for the challenges and demands of nursing practice.
  • Clinical Partnerships: Explore the clinical partnerships that the nursing program has established. Strong collaborations with healthcare institutions can provide you with a diverse range of clinical experiences and potential employment opportunities upon graduation.
  • Student Support: Investigate the support systems in place for nursing students. This can include academic advising, mentoring programs, tutoring services, and career counseling. A supportive environment can enhance your learning experience and help you navigate the challenges of nursing school.
  • Graduation and Licensure Rates: Review the program's graduation and licensure rates. These statistics reflect the program's success in preparing students for licensure exams and subsequent professional practice. High graduation and licensure rates indicate a strong and effective nursing program.

Remember, researching nursing programs is not just about finding the "best" program, but finding the program that is the best fit for you. Consider your personal goals, learning preferences, and lifestyle when evaluating different options. Take the time to visit program websites, attend information sessions, and reach out to current students or alumni to gain a deeper understanding of each program's culture and community.

Fulfill Nursing School Prerequisites

Fulfilling nursing school prerequisites is a vital step on your journey to becoming a nurse. These prerequisite courses serve as the building blocks for your nursing education, providing you with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to excel in the field.

Let's explore the importance of meeting these requirements and how you can navigate this essential phase of your nursing school preparation.

Nursing school prerequisites typically include a range of science and general education courses. These courses lay the foundation for your understanding of anatomy, physiology, microbiology, chemistry, psychology, and other relevant subjects. They provide the necessary academic groundwork upon which your nursing education will be built.

Why are these prerequisites so important?

  • They equip you with a solid understanding of the human body, its functions, and the principles that underpin healthcare. This knowledge will serve as the bedrock of your nursing practice, enabling you to make informed clinical decisions and provide safe and effective care to patients.
  • Fulfilling nursing prerequisites demonstrates your commitment and dedication to the field. Nursing programs are highly competitive, and admissions committees often consider your performance in these prerequisite courses when evaluating your application. 

To fulfill nursing school prerequisites, you'll need to plan your academic journey strategically.

  • Research the specific prerequisites required by the nursing programs you're interested in. Take note of the required courses their credit hours, and any additional specifications. This information will help you map out your academic schedule and ensure you meet all the necessary requirements.
  • When selecting prerequisite courses, consider your strengths and interests, but also be open to challenging yourself. These courses may seem demanding, but they are designed to prepare you for the complexities of nursing practice. 

As you embark on fulfilling nursing school prerequisites, it's essential to approach your studies with diligence and discipline. Create a study schedule, seek additional resources if needed.

Remember, these prerequisites are not just boxes to check; they are valuable opportunities to expand your knowledge and become a well-rounded nurse.

If you need some help with any of your nursing school prerequisites, come check us out at  We have an entire pre-nursing course with lessons ranging from anatomy and physiology to Chemisty.  Click here now to view our pre-nursing course!  

Fulfilling nursing school prerequisites is an essential step on your path to becoming a nurse. It lays the groundwork for your nursing education, shapes your understanding of the human body and healthcare principles.

Maintain a Competitive GPA for Nursing School

Maintaining a competitive GPA is a crucial aspect of preparing for nursing school. Your Grade Point Average (GPA) reflects your academic performance and is often considered by nursing programs during the admission process. Achieving and sustaining a strong GPA increases your chances of getting accepted into your desired nursing program.  

A competitive GPA can open doors to various opportunities within nursing. Scholarships, grants, and honors programs often consider GPA as a criterion for eligibility. Achieving a high GPA can make you eligible for financial assistance, recognition, and additional learning experiences that can enrich your education and set you apart from other candidates.

So, how can you maintain a competitive GPA in your journey towards nursing school? Here are a few strategies to help you succeed:

  1. Prioritize Time Management: Nursing school requires a significant time commitment, and managing your time effectively is essential. Create a study schedule that allows for dedicated study hours, breaks, and leisure time. Stay organized, set goals, and be disciplined in following your study plan.
  2. Actively Engage in Class: Attend classes regularly and actively participate in discussions and activities. Take thorough notes, ask questions, and seek clarification when needed.
  3. Develop Effective Study Habits: Find study techniques that work best for you. Experiment with different methods such as flashcards, concept mapping, or group study sessions. Practice active learning strategies, review your notes regularly, and seek opportunities to apply your knowledge through practice questions or real-life scenarios.
  4. Seek Academic Support: If you're facing challenges in specific subjects or need additional guidance, don't hesitate to seek academic support. Take advantage of tutoring services, study groups, or seek help from professors during office hours. Recognize that asking for help is a sign of strength and a commitment to your academic success.
  5. Stay Motivated and Persistent: Nursing school can be demanding and challenging at times. It's crucial to stay motivated and maintain a positive mindset throughout your academic journey. Set realistic goals, celebrate small achievements, and remember your ultimate purpose of becoming a nurse. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, or mentors who can provide encouragement and motivation when needed.

By prioritizing time management, actively engaging in class, developing effective study habits, seeking academic support, and staying motivated, you'll position yourself for success in nursing school and beyond. 

Gain Healthcare Experience for Nursing School

Gaining healthcare experience is a valuable step on your path to nursing school. It provide you with firsthand exposure to the healthcare field.  Whether you're considering becoming a registered nurse, a nurse practitioner, or pursuing another nursing specialization, having healthcare experience can enhance your nursing school application and set you apart from other candidates.

How can you gain healthcare experience to bolster your nursing school application? 

  1. Volunteer at Healthcare Facilities: Contact local hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, or community health centers to inquire about volunteer opportunities. These settings often welcome volunteers who can provide support to patients, assist with administrative tasks, or contribute to community outreach programs. Volunteering allows you to interact with patients, observe healthcare professionals in action, and gain exposure to different aspects of healthcare.
  2. Work as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA): Becoming a CNA offers a direct patient care experience and is highly regarded by nursing programs. As a CNA, you'll assist patients with daily activities, take vital signs, provide basic care, and work alongside nurses and other healthcare professionals. This role provides valuable hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of the nursing profession.
  3. Shadowing Opportunities: Reach out to healthcare professionals, such as nurses or nurse practitioners, and request to shadow them. Shadowing allows you to observe their daily responsibilities, ask questions, and gain insight into their roles and responsibilities. This firsthand experience offers valuable exposure to the nursing profession and can provide you with valuable mentorship and guidance.
  4. Research or Internship Programs: Explore research or internship programs offered by universities, healthcare organizations, or research institutions. These programs provide opportunities to engage in healthcare-related research projects, work alongside researchers, or contribute to healthcare initiatives.
  5. Community Service in Healthcare: Engage in community service initiatives that are healthcare-related. This can include volunteering at health fairs, participating in medical mission trips, or supporting local healthcare advocacy organizations. Community service not only demonstrates your commitment to improving healthcare access and outcomes but also allows you to interact with diverse populations and gain a broader perspective on healthcare issues.

Remember, gaining healthcare experiences is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the healthcare field, gain insight into the realities of patient care, and cultivate the skills and attributes necessary for success in nursing.

Prepare for Nursing School Entrance Exams

Preparing for nursing school entrance exams is a crucial step on your journey to becoming a nurse. These exams, such as the HESI (Health Education Systems, Inc.) and TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills), assess your knowledge and skills in various academic areas relevant to nursing. Success on these exams can significantly impact your chances of getting accepted into your desired nursing program.

It's important to familiarize yourself with the content and format of the specific entrance exam you'll be taking. Each exam has its own unique sections, such as English language proficiency, math, science, and reading comprehension. Review the exam guidelines, understand the scoring system, and identify the areas where you may need additional preparation.

To help you in your exam preparation journey, offers comprehensive HESI and TEAS prep courses and practice exams. Our courses are designed to provide you with the knowledge, strategies, and confidence you need to succeed. Whether you're looking to brush up on specific subject areas or seeking a comprehensive review, our resources can be tailored to your individual needs.'s HESI and TEAS prep courses cover all the essential topics tested on the exams, including anatomy and physiology, biology, chemistry, math, reading comprehension, grammar, and more. Our expert instructors provide engaging video lessons, detailed explanations, and practice questions to reinforce your understanding of the material.


Practice exams are invaluable tools to assess your readiness and identify areas where you need further improvement. offers realistic HESI and TEAS practice exams that simulate the actual testing experience. By practicing with these exams, you'll become familiar with the question formats, manage your time effectively, and develop test-taking strategies that can enhance your performance on exam day.

Preparing for nursing school entrance exams can be a challenging task, but with the right resources and strategies, you can feel confident and well-prepared. Visit today to explore our HESI and TEAS prep courses and practice exams. 

Click Here to Start Your Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep

Write a Compelling Personal Statement for Nursing School Application

Crafting a compelling personal statement is an essential part of your nursing school application. It's your opportunity to showcase your unique experiences, motivations, and qualities that make you an ideal candidate for nursing school. Your personal statement allows admissions committees to get to know you on a deeper level and understand why you're passionate about pursuing a career in nursing.

Start by reflecting on your journey and experiences that have led you to pursue nursing.

  • What sparked your interest in healthcare?
  • Have you had any impactful personal encounters with nurses or healthcare professionals?
  • Think about the moments that ignited your passion and shaped your desire to make a difference in the lives of others.

Next, highlight your unique qualities, skills, and attributes that align with the values and expectations of the nursing profession.

  • Are you a compassionate and empathetic individual?
  • Do you possess excellent communication and problem-solving skills?
  • Have you demonstrated leadership abilities or a commitment to serving others?

Use specific examples from your life experiences, volunteer work, or academic pursuits to illustrate these qualities and show how they make you well-suited for a career in nursing.

Share your relevant experiences in healthcare or any exposure you've had to the nursing field.

  • Describe any internships, shadowing opportunities, or volunteer work you've undertaken.
  • Discuss the lessons you've learned, the impact these experiences had on your understanding of nursing, and how they have shaped your goals and aspirations. 

When writing your personal statement, be authentic and genuine in expressing your passion for nursing.  Avoid generic statements and clichΓ©s. Instead, focus on conveying your personal story, using vivid language and descriptive narratives to captivate the reader's attention. Share your personal motivations, the challenges you've overcome, and how your unique background has shaped your perspective on healthcare.

Remember, your personal statement is your chance to make a lasting impression and convince admissions committees that you have the drive, dedication, and potential to succeed in nursing school.

Secure Strong Letters of Recommendation for Nursing School

These letters provide valuable insight into your character, abilities, and potential as a nursing student. They serve as endorsements from individuals who have witnessed your dedication, work ethic, and interpersonal skills.

Consider who you will ask to write your letters of recommendation. Ideally, you should choose individuals who know you well and can speak to your qualifications for nursing school. 

Provide your letter writers with a clear understanding of your goals and aspirations in nursing. Discuss your reasons for pursuing a nursing career, the specific nursing programs you are applying to, and why you believe you would be a great fit. This information will enable your letter writers to tailor their recommendations to align with your chosen nursing program's values and expectations.

 Submit a Complete Application to Nursing School

Submitting a complete and well-prepared application is a crucial step towards gaining admission to nursing school. The application serves as your first impression and provides an opportunity to showcase your qualifications, experiences, and passion for the nursing profession. 

To ensure your application stands out among the competition, follow these essential tips for submitting a complete and compelling application.

  • Carefully review the application requirements and instructions provided by the nursing schools you're applying to. Take note of any specific documents, essays, or forms that need to be submitted. Create a checklist to keep track of the required materials, ensuring that nothing is overlooked or missed. Pay close attention to deadlines and give yourself ample time to gather all the necessary information.
  • One of the most critical components of your application is your personal statement or essay.  If you skipped over that section in the blog post, scroll back up!
  • Obtaining transcripts from your previous educational institutions are an essential part of the application process.  Double-check that these transcripts are sent directly to the nursing schools or centralized application services as per their instructions. Keep in mind that some institutions may require additional steps, such as filling out transcript request forms or paying fees, so plan accordingly and give yourself enough time to complete these tasks.
  • Don't forget to thoroughly complete the application forms themselves. Provide accurate and up-to-date information about your personal details, educational history, employment or volunteer experiences, and any other relevant information requested.
  • Proofread your application multiple times to catch any errors or typos. Pay attention to formatting and ensure that your application is neat, organized, and easy to read.
  • Submit your application ahead of the deadline to avoid any last-minute technical issues or delays.
  • Keep copies of all the materials you submit for your records, including confirmation emails or receipts if applicable.
  • Stay in communication with the nursing schools to ensure that all components of your application have been received and are complete.

A well-prepared application showcases your qualifications and increases your chances of being accepted into nursing school. Take the time to present your best self on paper, and remember to stay positive and confident throughout the application process.

Prepare for Interviews for Nursing School (if applicable)

While not all nursing schools require interviews, if you find yourself in this situation, it's crucial to be well-prepared. Here are some valuable tips to help you effectively prepare for interviews and increase your chances of success.

  • Research the nursing school: Take the time to thoroughly research the nursing school where you will be interviewing. Familiarize yourself with its mission, values, and curriculum.
  • Reflect on your experiences: Think about your previous experiences, both academic and personal, that have shaped your desire to pursue nursing. 
  • Prepare responses to common interview questions: Anticipate common interview questions and prepare thoughtful, concise responses. Practice articulating your experiences, motivations, and aspirations in a clear and confident manner.
  • Be prepared to discuss why you are passionate about nursing, how you handle stress or challenging situations, and your understanding of the nursing profession.
  • Showcase your knowledge: Demonstrate your understanding of current healthcare issues, nursing trends, and the role of a nurse in various healthcare settings. 
  • Practice, practice, practice: Conduct mock interviews with a friend, family member, or mentor. Practice answering questions and receive constructive feedback on your responses, body language, and overall presentation.
  • Dress professionally: Dress appropriately for the interview, opting for professional attire that reflects your commitment to the nursing profession.
  • Ask questions: Towards the end of the interview, take the opportunity to ask thoughtful questions about the nursing program, clinical experiences, faculty, or any other relevant topic.

Remember, the interview is your chance to make a lasting impression and showcase your suitability for nursing school.

Stay Persistent and Flexible in Finding the Right Nursing School

When it comes to pursuing your dream of becoming a nurse, finding the right nursing school is a crucial step on your journey. It may require persistence and flexibility as you navigate through the various options available to you.

  • Expand your search: Cast a wide net when researching nursing schools. Look beyond the well-known institutions and explore other options that may offer excellent nursing programs. Consider both local and out-of-state schools, as well as online programs that provide flexibility in scheduling and location.
  • Prioritize your preferences: Consider your personal preferences and priorities when evaluating nursing schools. Think about factors such as location, program length, class size, clinical opportunities, resources, and support services. Determine what aspects are most important to you and use them as criteria for comparing different schools.
  • Reach out to nursing school advisors: Don't hesitate to contact nursing school advisors or admissions representatives. They can provide valuable information about the program, answer any questions you may have, and offer guidance on the application process. 
  • Attend nursing school fairs and open houses: Take advantage of nursing school fairs and open houses to learn more about different programs. These events often provide an opportunity to meet faculty, staff, and current students, allowing you to ask questions and get a feel for the campus culture.
  • Stay persistent: Finding the right nursing school may require persistence. It's possible that you may face rejections or encounter challenges along the way. Don't let setbacks discourage you.
  • Be flexible: Flexibility is key when it comes to finding the right nursing school. Keep an open mind and be willing to adapt your plans if necessary.
  • Trust your instincts: Ultimately, trust your instincts when making your final decision. 

Remember, finding the right nursing school is a process that requires persistence and flexibility.


As you embark on your journey towards nursing school, remember that the path to success begins with proper preparation and a solid foundation.

Tests and exams are a fundamental part of nursing school admissions, with exams like the HESI and TEAS playing a significant role. That's why we invite you to join my free test-taking webinar.  Just click below πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Investing time in honing your test-taking skills early on can make a significant difference in your journey towards nursing school. By attending our webinar, you'll gain the tools and knowledge necessary to approach exams with confidence and achieve your desired results.


Happy Nursing!