| The BEST Place To Learn Nursing!

What You Focus on Becomes Your Reality |


Hey guys . . . Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve been on here.  I just

wanted to record a short episode to share a personal experience I had this week.  

Over the last couple of weeks, there have been so many projects going on at that I have been, I will let you know about them soon - but I've missed talking to you guys.

With everything that has been going on, there has been a lot of stress going on in my mind - my son's birthday was the other day and I was so stressed about work that I couldn't give my son the attention I thought he deserved for his birthday.

I stumbled upon this quote that I really liked and it made me stop and think.  After reading this I kinda had an "aha" moment 


Whatever you focus on becomes the most important thing in the world.

I want to apply this to you as a nurse - whatever you are thinking about in that instant is going to be the most important thing to you.  I realize that there is so much that you HAVE to do in nursing school, but I want you guys to try and start focusing on the things that will help you become the best nursing student you can be.

I want to offer you 2 tips:

  1. Be careful what you let into your mind 
  2. Focus on the good that comes into your mind

You CAN do this!