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How To Master Nursing School (90 Days at a Time) |

Is it really possible to master nursing school in 90 days? Short answer is if you break it down into 90 day chunks then absolutely!

Do you ever wonder why you never accomplish your New Year’s resolutions?

I’m going to give you a tip for that. That will greatly improve your ability to reach your goals. This is called the 90 day sprint.

The idea behind this really comes from the idea that long term goals, things that are a year out, things that are multiple months out, things that are 10 years out have too long of a feedback loop.

It’s just way too far out there to keep us motivated. We talk in nursing school about if a feedback loop is too far out meaning the reward for doing something is too far away we are less motivated.

So let’s shorten it with something called a 90 day sprint. I know it’s going to help you, but let me give you just a rundown of what the 90 day sprint is.

Again, for most of us more than 90 days, just way too far out there. If we set goals that are just 90 days, our chances of accomplishing it are much higher.

So what I want you to do is I want you to say what is the number one most important thing that you need to accomplish in the next 90 days?

Limit this to one skill or one goal. This needs to be an outcome goal, and I’ll explain that a little bit more in a minute.

Now to devote the largest portion of your energy, of your mindset of everything to accomplishing that one goal.

What we do a lot of times as humans, is we try to focus on those things that we’re already good at. So we set these goals, but we immediately divert our attention to stuff we’re good at it because it feels good to be good at stuff.

So once you set that one goal is something you need to improve upon, focus all your attention on that goal and don’t allow yourself to get diverted by things that you’ve already mastered.

The next step is break this down into two performance goals. Again, I’ll give you some information on that in just a minute. So you have your outcome goal, then you need to break it down into two performance goals.

So the last step is at the end of these 90 days, you need to reassess and reset. How did I do? And let’s reset and set new goals.

Let me give you an example to nursing school of what this would look like. So your outcome goal, the thing you want to achieve in 90 days.

So in 90 days I will improve my average score on cardiac NCLEX questions from 40% to 80% I’ve given myself exactly how long I have to do it, a very specific thing that I want to achieve and exactly what sort of outcome I want to achieve. I want to improve my cardiac in clicks. Questions from 40% to 85% now I set two performance schools.

These are the things that are going to help me get there if I do these things every two weeks. So performance goal number one could be, I’m going to increase the amount of time I read cardiac lectures from zero hours a day to one hour a day Monday to Friday between 2:00 and 4:00 PM at the library.

There’s no way. I can’t measure that. If I say exactly what I’m going to do, where I’m going to do it, how I’m going to do it, eventually it’s going to help my cardiac questions improve. So that’s your performance goal.

That’s what you’re going to do to reach that outcome. Does that make a little bit of sense then performance goal number two, I will increase the number of cardiac NCLEX style questions I take a day from 5 to 20 using SIMCLEX by NRSNG and study the rationale for every question I get wrong.

Making a list of those topics and questions. So I’ve made my outcome goal that I want to see this much improvement in cardiac questions. Great. Now what am I going to do to achieve that?

I’m going to take more questions and I’m going to study cardiac more. If I do those things exactly how I’ve said it, I’m going to reach that outcome.

Now in 90 days I reassess. Did I improve my cardiac and click questions up to an 85% if not, let’s reset and we do the goal again.

So that’s really the idea behind the 90 day sprint. This is going to help you guys achieve great results in just two to three months time.